
Short Name: 08_SelTargetsA-dry Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: dry Title: Bioinformatics analyses for individual selected target genes Description: In depth bioinformatic analysis for each target gene using various tools to predict possible off-target effects and select a fragment sequence for dsRNA synthesis pISA Assay creation date: 2021-01-14 pISA Assay creator: Marko Petek Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:

SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/assays/1564

Experimental assay

Marko Petek

Projects: _p_RNAinVAL

Investigation: _I_01_LabTrials

Study: _S_01_TargetSelect

Assay position:

Assay type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: Technology Type

Organisms: No organisms