Data files

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19 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 20
No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

No description specified

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

Samples underwent size exclusion chromoatography

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

Full list of detected miRNA which were found to be deregulated in PE-EVs.

Creator: Natalia Gebara

Submitter: Natalia Gebara

Previously identified gene targets were used as input (see miRNA gene target file).

Literature-curated transcription factor (TF) - miRNA pairs of deregulated miRNAs were extracted from TransmiR (Tong, Cui and Wang 2019 TransmiR). miRNA, target gene, and TF Interaction pairs were visualized in Cytoscape v3.8.2 (Shannon, P. et al. Cytoscape: A software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks. Genome Research 13, 2498-2504, doi:Doi 10.1101/Gr.1239303 (2003). The missing ...

Creator: Julia Scheel

Submitter: Julia Scheel

Previously identified gene targets were used as input (see miRNA gene target file).

Literature-curated transcription factor (TF) - miRNA pairs of deregulated miRNAs were extracted from TransmiR (Tong, Cui and Wang 2019 TransmiR). miRNA, target gene, and TF Interaction pairs were visualized in Cytoscape v3.8.2 (Shannon, P. et al. Cytoscape: A software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks. Genome Research 13, 2498-2504, doi:Doi 10.1101/Gr.1239303 (2003). The missing ...

Creator: Julia Scheel

Submitter: Julia Scheel

Identified gene targets of deregulated miRNAs were used as input. Ontology and pathway GO terms with an adjusted p-value < 0.05 were considered significantly overrepresented

Creator: Julia Scheel

Submitter: Julia Scheel

identified gene targets were used as input on the gProfiler website. Ontology and pathway GO terms with an adjusted p-value <0.05 were considered significantly overrepresented.

Creator: Julia Scheel

Submitter: Julia Scheel

We obtained PE associated microRNA based on previously mentioned experiments. miRTarBase v8.0 was used to identify gene targets and extract 1000 miRNA - gene pairs with 667 unique genes (Huang et al., 2020). miRTarBase is a database for experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions. To minimize false positives only strong-evidence miRNA-target pairs were considered.

Creator: Julia Scheel

Submitter: Julia Scheel

We obtained PE associated microRNA based on previously mentioned experiments. miRTarBase v8.0 was used to identify gene targets and extract 1000 miRNA - gene pairs with 667 unique genes (Huang et al., 2020). miRTarBase is a database for experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions. To minimize false positives only strong-evidence miRNA-target pairs were considered.

Creator: Julia Scheel

Submitter: Julia Scheel

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