Data files

What is a Data file?
10 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 16

A brief summary of the first activity, proposed in our teaching sequence.

Creator: Ioannis Metaxas

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

A brief description of the second educational activity.

Creator: Ioannis Metaxas

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

A brief discription of the third educational activity.

Creator: Ioannis Metaxas

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

The excel spreadsheet about the inherency of the size dependency of optical properties at the nanoscale

Creator: Ioannis Metaxas

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

The excel spreadsheet about the inherency of the size dependency of optical properties at the nanoscale

Creator: Ioannis Metaxas

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

The structure of was Transaminase of gamma-proteobacterium deposited in PDB under the code: 7p3t

Creator: Eleni Konia

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

Data of the activity/pH profile of the under study enzymes

Creator: Eleni Konia

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

Data for the photometric determination of the activity for the under study enzymes.

Creator: Eleni Konia

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

Data file for the Pyridoxamine phosphate formation assay

Creator: Eleni Konia

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

Data files for the kinetic resolution assay

Creator: Eleni Konia

Submitter: Ioannis Metaxas

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