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Kinetoplastea such as trypanosomatid parasites contain specialized peroxisomes that uniquely contain enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and other parts of intermediary metabolism and hence are called glycosomes. Their specific enzyme content can vary strongly, quantitatively and qualitatively, between different species and during the parasites’ life cycle. The correct sequestering of enzymes has great importance for the regulation of the trypanosomatids’ metabolism and can, dependent on environmental conditions, even be essential. Glycosomes also play a pivotal role in life-cycle regulation of Trypanosoma brucei, as the translocation of a protein phosphatase from the cytosol forms part of a crucial developmental control switch. Many glycosomal proteins are differentially phosphorylated in different life-cycle stages, possibly indicative for unique forms of activity regulation, whereas many kinetic activity regulation mechanisms common for glycolytic enzymes are absent in these organisms. Glycosome turnover occurs by autophagic degradation of redundant organelles and assembly of new ones. This may provide the trypanosomatids with a manner to rapidly and efficiently adapt their metabolism to the sudden, major nutritional changes often encountered during the life cycle. This could also have helped facilitating successful adaptation of kinetoplastids, at multiple occasions during evolution, to their parasitic life style.

Authors: Balázs Szöör, , Melisa Gualdrón-López, Paul AM Michels

Date Published: 1st Dec 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

African trypanosomes are an excellent system for quantitative modelling of post-transcriptional mRNA control. Transcription is constitutive and polycistronic; individual mRNAs are excised by trans splicing and polyadenylation. We here measure mRNA decay kinetics in two life cycle stages, bloodstream and procyclic forms, by transcription inhibition and RNASeq. Messenger RNAs with short half-lives tend to show initial fast degradation, followed by a slower phase; they are often stabilized by depletion of the 5'-3' exoribonuclease XRNA. Many longer-lived mRNAs show initial slow degradation followed by rapid destruction: we suggest that the slow phase reflects gradual deadenylation. Developmentally regulated mRNAs often show regulated decay, and switch their decay pattern. Rates of mRNA decay are good predictors of steady state levels for short mRNAs, but mRNAs longer than 3 kb show unexpectedly low abundances. Modelling shows that variations in splicing and polyadenylation rates can contribute to steady-state mRNA levels, but this is completely dependent on competition between processing and co-transcriptional mRNA precursor destruction.

Authors: , M. Ryten, D. Droll, , V. Farber, , C. Merce, , ,

Date Published: 26th Aug 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

The African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei, is a unicellular parasite causing African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in animals). Due to some of its unique properties, it has emerged as a popular model organism in systems biology. A predictive quantitative model of glycolysis in the bloodstream form of the parasite has been constructed and updated several times. The Silicon Trypanosome is a project that brings together modellers and experimentalists to improve and extend this core model with new pathways and additional levels of regulation. These new extensions and analyses use computational methods that explicitly take different levels of uncertainty into account. During this project, numerous tools and techniques have been developed for this purpose, which can now be used for a wide range of different studies in systems biology.

Authors: , , , , , , T. Papamarkou, , , , , , , ,

Date Published: 7th May 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Dynamic models of metabolism can be useful in identifying potential drug targets, especially in unicellular organisms. A model of glycolysis in the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis, Trypanosoma brucei, has already shown the utility of this approach. Here we add the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) of T. brucei to the glycolytic model. The PPP is localized to both the cytosol and the glycosome and adding it to the glycolytic model without further adjustments leads to a draining of the essential bound-phosphate moiety within the glycosome. This phosphate "leak" must be resolved for the model to be a reasonable representation of parasite physiology. Two main types of theoretical solution to the problem could be identified: (i) including additional enzymatic reactions in the glycosome, or (ii) adding a mechanism to transfer bound phosphates between cytosol and glycosome. One example of the first type of solution would be the presence of a glycosomal ribokinase to regenerate ATP from ribose 5-phosphate and ADP. Experimental characterization of ribokinase in T. brucei showed that very low enzyme levels are sufficient for parasite survival, indicating that other mechanisms are required in controlling the phosphate leak. Examples of the second type would involve the presence of an ATP:ADP exchanger or recently described permeability pores in the glycosomal membrane, although the current absence of identified genes encoding such molecules impedes experimental testing by genetic manipulation. Confronted with this uncertainty, we present a modeling strategy that identifies robust predictions in the context of incomplete system characterization. We illustrate this strategy by exploring the mechanism underlying the essential function of one of the PPP enzymes, and validate it by confirming the model predictions experimentally.

Authors: , , V. P. Alibu, R. J. Burchmore, I. H. Gilbert, M. Trybilo, N. N. Driessen, D. Gilbert, , ,

Date Published: 5th Dec 2013

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

In pathogenic trypanosomes, trypanothione synthetase (TryS) catalyzes the synthesis of both glutathionylspermidine (Gsp) and trypanothione [bis(glutathionyl)spermidine, T(SH)2]. Here we present a thorough kinetic analysis of Trypanosoma brucei TryS in a newly developed phosphate buffer system at pH 7.0 and 37 °C, mimicking the physiological environment of the enzyme in the cytosol of bloodstream parasites. Under these conditions, TryS displays Km-values for GSH, ATP, spermidine and Gsp of 34, 18, 687, and 32 μM, respectively, as well as Ki-values for GSH and T(SH)2 of 1 mM and 360 μM, respectively. As Gsp hydrolysis has a Km-value of 5.6 mM, the in vivo amidase activity is probably negligible. To obtain a deeper insight in the molecular mechanism of TryS, we have formulated alternative kinetic models, with elementary reaction steps represented by linear kinetic equations. The model parameters were fitted to the extensive matrix of steady-state data obtained for different substrate/product combinations under the in vivo-like conditions. The best model describes the full kinetic profile and is able to predict time course data that were not used for fitting. This systems biology approach to enzyme kinetics led us to conclude that (i) TryS follows a ter-reactant mechanism, (ii) the intermediate Gsp dissociates from the enzyme between the two catalytic steps and (iii) T(SH)2 inhibits the enzyme by remaining bound at its product site and, as does the inhibitory GSH, by binding to the activated enzyme complex. The newly detected concerted substrate and product inhibition suggests that TryS activity is tightly regulated.


Date Published: 3rd Jul 2013

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND AND METHODOLOGY: Recently, we reported on a new class of naphthoquinone derivatives showing a promising anti-trypanosomatid profile in cell-based experiments. The lead of this series (B6, 2-phenoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) showed an ED(50) of 80 nM against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, and a selectivity index of 74 with respect to mammalian cells. A multitarget profile for this compound is easily conceivable, because quinones, as natural products, serve plants as potent defense chemicals with an intrinsic multifunctional mechanism of action. To disclose such a multitarget profile of B6, we exploited a chemical proteomics approach. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A functionalized congener of B6 was immobilized on a solid matrix and used to isolate target proteins from Trypanosoma brucei lysates. Mass analysis delivered two enzymes, i.e. glycosomal glycerol kinase and glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, as potential molecular targets for B6. Both enzymes were recombinantly expressed and purified, and used for chemical validation. Indeed, B6 was able to inhibit both enzymes with IC(50) values in the micromolar range. The multifunctional profile was further characterized in experiments using permeabilized Trypanosoma brucei cells and mitochondrial cell fractions. It turned out that B6 was also able to generate oxygen radicals, a mechanism that may additionally contribute to its observed potent trypanocidal activity. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Overall, B6 showed a multitarget mechanism of action, which provides a molecular explanation of its promising anti-trypanosomatid activity. Furthermore, the forward chemical genetics approach here applied may be viable in the molecular characterization of novel multitarget ligands.

Authors: S. Pieretti, , M. Mazet, R. Perozzo, C. Bergamini, F. Prati, R. Fato, G. Lenaz, G. Capranico, R. Brun, , P. A. Michels, L. Scapozza, M. L. Bolognesi, A. Cavalli

Date Published: 17th Jan 2013

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Our quantitative knowledge of carbon fluxes in the long slender bloodstream form (BSF) Trypanosoma brucei is mainly based on non-proliferating parasites, isolated from laboratory animals and kept in buffers. In this paper we present a carbon balance for exponentially growing bloodstream form trypanosomes. The cells grew with a doubling time of 5.3h, contained 46 mu mol of carbon (10(8) cells)(-1) and had a glucose consumption flux of 160 nmol min(-1) (10(8) cells)(-1). The molar ratio of pyruvate excreted versus glucose consumed was 2.1. Furthermore, analysis of the (13)C label distribution in pyruvate in (13)C-glucose incubations of exponentially growing trypanosomes showed that glucose was the sole substrate for pyruvate production. We conclude that the glucose metabolised in glycolysis was hardly, if at all, used for biosynthetic processes. Carbon flux through glycolysis in exponentially growing trypanosomes was 10 times higher than the incorporation of carbon into biomass. This biosynthetic carbon is derived from other precursors present in the nutrient rich growth medium. Furthermore, we found that the glycolytic flux was unaltered when the culture went into stationary phase, suggesting that most of the ATP produced in glycolysis is used for processes other than growth.

Authors: , A. van Tuijl, J. van Dam, W. van Winden, A. G. Tielens, J. J. van Hellemond,

Date Published: 8th May 2012

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Kinetic models of metabolism require detailed knowledge of kinetic parameters. However, due to measurement errors or lack of data this knowledge is often uncertain. The model of glycolysis in the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei is a particularly well analysed example of a quantitative metabolic model, but so far it has been studied with a fixed set of parameters only. Here we evaluate the effect of parameter uncertainty. In order to define probability distributions for each parameter, information about the experimental sources and confidence intervals for all parameters were collected. We created a wiki-based website dedicated to the detailed documentation of this information: the SilicoTryp wiki (​ycolysis). Using information collected in the wiki, we then assigned probability distributions to all parameters of the model. This allowed us to sample sets of alternative models, accurately representing our degree of uncertainty. Some properties of the model, such as the repartition of the glycolytic flux between the glycerol and pyruvate producing branches, are robust to these uncertainties. However, our analysis also allowed us to identify fragilities of the model leading to the accumulation of 3-phosphoglycerate and/or pyruvate. The analysis of the control coefficients revealed the importance of taking into account the uncertainties about the parameters, as the ranking of the reactions can be greatly affected. This work will now form the basis for a comprehensive Bayesian analysis and extension of the model considering alternative topologies.


Date Published: 19th Jan 2012

Publication Type: Not specified

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The steady-state level of each mRNA in a cell is a balance between synthesis and degradation. Here, we use high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNASeq) to determine the relationship between mRNA degradation and mRNA abundance on a transcriptome-wide scale. The model organism used was the bloodstream form of Trypanosoma brucei, a protist that lacks regulation of RNA polymerase II initiation. The mRNA half-lives varied over two orders of magnitude, with a median half-life of 13 min for total (rRNA-depleted) mRNA. Data for poly(A)+ RNA yielded shorter half-lives than for total RNA, indicating that removal of the poly(A) tail was usually the first step in degradation. Depletion of the major 5'-3' exoribonuclease, XRNA, resulted in the stabilization of most mRNAs with half-lives under 30 min. Thus, on a transcriptome-wide scale, degradation of most mRNAs is initiated by deadenylation. Trypanosome mRNA levels are strongly influenced by gene copy number and mRNA half-life: Very abundant mRNAs that are required throughout the life-cycle may be encoded by multicopy genes and have intermediate-to-long half-lives; those encoding ribosomal proteins, with one to two gene copies, are exceptionally stable. Developmentally regulated transcripts with a lower abundance in the bloodstream forms than the procyclic forms had half-lives around the median, whereas those with a higher abundance in the bloodstream forms than the procyclic forms, such as those encoding glycolytic enzymes, had longer half-lives.

Authors: Theresa Manful, ,

Date Published: 26th Sep 2011

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

African trypanosomes have emerged as promising unicellular model organisms for the next generation of systems biology. They offer unique advantages, due to their relative simplicity, the availability of all standard genomics techniques and a long history of quantitative research. Reproducible cultivation methods exist for morphologically and physiologically distinct life-cycle stages. The genome has been sequenced, and microarrays, RNA-interference and high-accuracy metabolomics are available. Furthermore, the availability of extensive kinetic data on all glycolytic enzymes has led to the early development of a complete, experiment-based dynamic model of an important biochemical pathway. Here we describe the achievements of trypanosome systems biology so far and outline the necessary steps towards the ambitious aim of creating a 'Silicon Trypanosome', a comprehensive, experiment-based, multi-scale mathematical model of trypanosome physiology. We expect that, in the long run, the quantitative modelling enabled by the Silicon Trypanosome will play a key role in selecting the most suitable targets for developing new anti-parasite drugs.

Authors: , , , , , , Paul A M Michels, ,

Date Published: 6th May 2010

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Metabolomics analysis, which aims at the systematic identification and quantification of all metabolites in biological systems, is emerging as a powerful new tool to identify biomarkers of disease, report on cellular responses to environmental perturbation, and to identify the targets of drugs. Here we discuss recent developments in metabolomic analysis, from the perspective of trypanosome research, highlighting remaining challenges and the most promising areas for future research.


Date Published: 17th Feb 2010

Publication Type: Not specified

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