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5 Investigations visible to you, out of a total of 5

The aim of the study is to assess the global function of RNase Y in RNA processing and degradation in Bacillus subtilis. To this end we constructed a strain allowing controlled depletion of RNase Y and used microarrays to analyze the transcriptome in response to the expression level of RNase Y.

The objective of this project is an integrated understanding the metabolic, proteomic and genetic network that controls the transition from growth to glucose starvation. This transition is a fundamental ecophysiological response that serves as a scientific model for environmental signal integration and is pivotal for industrial fermentations of Bacillus that occur predominantly under nutrient starvation.

Keywords: Glucose starvation, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics,Bacillus subtilis,

Bacillus subtilis was subjected to various stress conditions like high temperature(57°C), low temperature(16°C), high osmalarity(1.2M NaCl). The above mentioned stress conditions are again split into two different types as 'continuous stress condition' and 'sudden shock'. All the conditions were then done in biological triplicates. Transcriptome for these samples was then analysed with Nimblegen Tiling array.

The aim of this project is to develop a detailed kinetic model of the CcpA-dependent regulatory network, the key regulon of flux regulation in B. subtilis. Thereby involved are more than 300 genes e.g. catabolism, overflow metabolism, the TCA cycle and amino acid anabolism which are regulated via carbon catabolite regulation (CCR)

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