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3 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 7

ZIP file of Andrew Millar's pictures showing the growth location and setup on 8th June 2016, for plants that were later harvested at the summer solstice in 2016. Location was at the South edge of King's Buildings campus, outside the shelter belt of trees (so they did not shade the plot). The plot is surrounded by access fencing that also cuts some of the wind, established by UoE greenhouse staff led by Dr. Sophie Haupt. The plants were set up and grown by Sarah Hodge, under a light shade of 4 ...

Creators: Andrew Millar, Sarah Hodge

Submitter: Andrew Millar

The samples that were subsequently harvested for RNA extraction in Takato's summer study; pictures from Young Hun and Akane

Creators: Andrew Millar, Young Hun Song, Akane Kubota

Submitter: Andrew Millar

Outline report of joint research conducted during MSBnet-funded visit of Sanu Shameer to Millar lab

Creators: Andrew Millar, Sanu Shameer, Argyris Zardilis

Submitter: Andrew Millar

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