Sample types

What is a Sample type?
12 Sample types found
No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) *, Scientist (Text) , Protocol (Text) , Type (Text) , Parent (Text) , VisitFacility (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Date) , Treatment1 (Text) , Treatment1Type (Text) , Treatment1Route (Text) , Treatment1Dose (Real number) , Treatment1DoseUnits (Text) , Procedure (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Parent (Text) , Protocol (Text) , Scientist (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Catalog# (Text) , Vendor (Text) , Analyte (Text) , Clone (Text) , Reporter (Text) , RRID (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Lab (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Software (Text) , Parent (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol (Text) , Parent (Text) , Instrument (Text) , Instrument2 (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , File_PrimaryData (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Date) , DataType (Text) , Protocol (Text) , Parent (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Lab (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Software (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Date) , Protocol (Text) , Link_PrimaryData (Text) , Checksum_PrimaryData (Text) , Parent (Text) , DataType (Text) , SequencingType (Text) , Sequencer (Text) , F_bp (Real number) , R_bp (Real number) , NumReads (Text) , LibraryStrategy (Text) , LibrarySource (Text) , LibrarySelection (Text) , ExtractedMolecule (Text) , LibraryDesign (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) *, Protocol (Text) , Protocol2 (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Date) , Scientist (Text) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text) , BarcodeType (Text) , NumPrepCycles (Real number) , Lab (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) *, Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Date) , Protocol (Text) , Protocol2 (Text) , Protocol3 (Text) , Parent (Text) , Type (Text) , Organ (Text) , OrganDetail (Text) , CFU (Real number) , CFUUnits (Text) , CEQ (Real number) , CEQUnits (Text) , CFU/CEQ (Real number) , CFU/CEQUnits (Text) , TimeOfDetection (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, File_PrimaryData (Text) *, Link_PrimaryData (Text) , Scientist (Text) , SampleCreationDate (Date) , Type (Text) , Description (Text) , Parent (Text) , Lab (Text) , Protocol (Text) , ShoreDist (Real number) , ShoreDistUnits (Text) , WaterDepth (Real number) , WaterDepthUnits (Text) , LanderRightLegHeight (Real number) , LanderLeftLegHeight (Real number) , LanderBackLegHeight (Real number) , LanderLegHeightUnits (Text) , FloorDist (Real number) , FloorDistUnits (Text) , SensingVolumeSeparation (Real number) , SensingVolumeSeparationUnits (Text) , ADVVelocityRange (Real number) , ADVVelocityUnits (Text) , ADVPowerLevel (Text) , RunStartTime (Text) , RunDuration (Real number) , RunDurationUnits (Text) , IntegrationTime (Real number) , IntegrationTimeUnits (Text) , Frequency (Real number) , FrequencyUnits (Text) , Wavelength (Real number) , WavelengthUnits (Text) , ModulationFrequency (Real number) , ModulationFrequencyUnits (Text) , DatapointTime (Real number) , DatapointTimeUnits (Text) , ComparatorReference (Real number) , ComparatorReferenceUnits (Text) , LEDCurrentAvgStart (Real number) , LEDCurrentStdevStart (Real number) , LEDCurrentStartTime (Text) , LEDCurrentAvgEnd (Real number) , LEDCurrentStdevEnd (Real number) , LEDCurrentUnits (Text) , LEDCurrentEndTime (Text) , BatteryLevelStart (Real number) , BatteryLevelStartTime (Text) , BatteryLevelEnd (Real number) , BatteryLevelEndTime (Text) , BatteryLevelUnits (Text) , TOCStart (Real number) , TOCStartTime (Text) , TOCEnd (Real number) , TOCEndTime (Text) , TOCUnits (Text) , TemperatureStart (Real number) , TemperatureStartTime (Text) , ThermometerStart (Text) , TemperatureEnd (Real number) , TemperatureEndTime (Text) , ThermometerEnd (Text) , TemperatureUnits (Text) , UncompensatedConductivityStart (Real number) , TemperatureCompensationCoefficientConductivity (Text) , ConductivityStartTime (Text) , UncompensatedConductivityEnd (Real number) , ConductivityEndTime (Text) , UncompensatedConductivityUnits (Text) , FluorescenceLinearCalibrationSlope (Real number) , FluorescenceLinearCalibrationIntercept (Real number) , FluorescenceLinearCalibrationDate (Date) , FluorescenceLinearCalibrationUnits (Text) , TemperatureLinearCalibrationSlope (Real number) , TemperatureLinearCalibrationIntercept (Real number) , TemperatureCalibrationDate (Date) , TemperatureCalibrationUnits (Text) , ConductivityLinearCalibrationSlope (Real number) , ConductivityLinearCalibrationIntercept (Real number) , ConductivityCalibrationDate (Date) , ConductivityCalibrationUnits (Text) , LEDCurrentLinearCalibrationSlope (Real number) , LEDCurrentLinearCalibrationIntercept (Real number) , LEDCurrentCalibrationDate (Date) , LEDCurrentCalibrationUnits (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) *, LocationType (Text) , Description (Text) , GPS (Text) , GPSUnits (Text)

Not specified

No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) *, DateOfBirth (Date) , Sex (Text) , Species (Text) , Origin (Text) , Facility (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Cohort (Text) , Supplier (Text) , Protocol (Text)

Not specified

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