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19 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 20

Leaf number at flowering data from literature for prr7 prr9 and Col wild-type plants under long photoperiods and short photoperiods

Seedling hypocotyl data from literature for prr7 prr9 and Col wild-type plants under various photoperiods

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Luciferase reporter gene assay for circadian period of seedlings in constant light, for Col0 (WT) and prr7prr9, with and without exogenous gibberellins (GA). Supplementary Figure 11f in Chew et al., _in Silico _Plants.

Raw and processed data, together with circadian period analysis and summary statistics, are available from choose ("Browse Public Resources" on the Login screen), then you can link to, ...

Biomass, leaf number and gas exchange data for Col0 (WT), prr7prr9, and lsf1, compiled from four studies: L&H1-3 and the 'no GA' controls of Gibberellins 1.

Follow-up to the validation experiments on FMv2, testing candidate mechanisms for high malate and fumarate accumulation in the Arabidopsis double mutant prr7prr9 and its parent accession Col.

In this study, 14CO2 labelling was used to test the rate of carbon assimilation in the dark at the end of the subjective night (starting about ZT21), which is indicative of PEPC activity in forming malate, and the subsequent partitioning of this labelled C into various cellular fractions. The short-period ...

Follow-up to the validation experiments on FMv2, testing candidate mechanisms for high malate and fumarate accumulation in the Arabidopsis double mutant prr7prr9 and its parent accession Col.

In this study, thiamine vitamers were quantified to test whether the essential cofactor TDP had altered enzyme activities to affect the malate and fumarate levels, using existing plant samples harvested from am earlier L&H study.

Biomass (fresh mass, dry mass), leaf numbers, leaf area, gas exchange and 12 metabolites in Col0 (WT), prr7prr9, and pgm at days 29 and 35, presented in the preprint/publication, with most data also for Col and lhycca1 at days 21/22/23, not analysed further.

We suggest that the lower carbon assimilation rate measured in lhycca1 (see gas exchange data) might allow a calibirated simulation in the FMv2 model in future to incorporate the indirect effects of nightly carbon starvation in this genotype ...

effects of 1% increase in each parameter, more detailed analysis of water content

correlations of starch mobilisation and fresh weight under single parameter changes

Simulation data from FMv2 calibrated for experiment L&H2, an experiment run at 18.5C instead of the 20.5C of the replicate and related studies. The Excel file includes the mean and SD of the relevant experimental data, and the figure panels.

Metabolite analysis in clock mutants: Col-0 parent and mutants gi-201, toc1-101 and prr7prr9; WS parent and lhy/cca1 double mutant. Plants grown in Golm and harvested at End of Day and End of Night, , assays 22 major metabolites. More detail on TiMet wiki if required. Heteroscedastic t-tests to highlight most significant changes, without multiple-testing correction.

RNA timeseries data from TiMet for clock genes in prr7 prr9 and Col wild-type plants under 12L:12D cycle and LL

Biomass, leaf number and metabolites in Col0 (WT), prr7, prr7prr9, and lsf1. Metabolite data from plants after 28 days of growth were analysed most (27 days 'end of night', 28 days 'end of day' and 'end of night'). The data file also includes data from 21 days of growth ('end of day' and 'end of night'), which is useful for comparison to early-flowering plants not tested here, such as the lhycca1 double mutant, that flower before 28 days, altering their physiology.

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