
What is an Assay?
980 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 1965

Conversion of XYL to KG in one pot cascade of Weimberg pathway enzymes of Caulobacter crescentus, using old enzymes with optimal protein distribution, with NAD recycling, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: One pot cascade

Conversion of XYL to KG in one pot cascade of Weimberg pathway enzymes of Caulobacter crescentus, with NAD recycling, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: One pot cascade

Conversion of XYL to KG in one pot cascade of Weimberg pathway enzymes of Caulobacter crescentus, omitting XLA, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: One pot cascade

Conversion of XYL to KG in one pot cascade of Weimberg pathway enzymes of Caulobacter crescentus, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: One pot cascade

Conversion of XYL to KG by sequential addition of Weimberg pathway enzymes of Caulobacter crescentus, measured in NMR.

No description specified

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Cell free extract

Kinetic characterisation and mathematical modelling of XDH.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Initial rate kinetics

Kinetic characterisation and mathematical modelling of XLA.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Initial rate kinetics

Kinetic characterisation and mathematical modelling of XAD.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Initial rate kinetics

Kinetic characterisation and mathematical modelling of KDXD.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Initial rate kinetics

Kinetic characterisation and mathematical modelling of KGSADH.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Initial rate kinetics

Conversion of Xyl to XLAC by Caulobacter crescentus XDH, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Progress curves

Conversion of XLAC to XA by Caulobacter crescentus XLA, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Progress curves

Conversion of XA to KDX by Caulobacter crescentus XAD, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Progress curves

Conversion of KDX to KGSA by Caulobacter crescentus KDXD, measured in NMR.

Submitter: Jacky Snoep

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway

Study: Progress curves

Conversion of KGSA to KG by Caulobacter crescentus KGSADH, measured in NMR.

Model that eliminates several light inputs. RVE8, NOX are incorporated. Individual representation of CCA1 and LHY. Several changes in conections and light inputs. Fogelmark reports eight parameter sets. This SBML file contains the first parameter set Related PublicationsFogelmark K, Troein C (2014). Rethinking transcriptional activation in the Arabidopsis circadian clock.. PLoS Comput Biology. Retrieved from: ...

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network

Investigation: Urquiza Garcia, Uriel

Study: F2014.1 - PLM_1030

The model is an extensio of PLM_67v3 with an additional an additional variable Temp in ODE 25. This change allows to simulated warm pulses that affect EC stability using COPASI. 

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2014-03-10 13:16:25

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network

Investigation: Urquiza Garcia, Uriel

Study: PLM_67v3withTempPulse - PLM_81

The models in this record were published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper.

Original model: Arabidopsis clock model P2011.1.1 from Pokhilko et al. Mol Syst. Biol. 2012,

Published version is Biomodels ID 00412, Also public in Plasmo as PLM_64, with several versions, ...

The models in this record were published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper.

Original model: Arabidopsis clock model P2011.1.1 from Pokhilko et al. Mol Syst. Biol. 2012,

Published version is Biomodels ID 00412, Also public in Plasmo as PLM_64, with several versions, ...

This model is one of five new parameter sets for P2011, published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper. Derived from Original model: P2011.1.2 is public model ID PLM_71 version 1, This model P2011.6.1 is public model ID PLM_1044, with parameters optimised by Kevin Stratford using SBSInumerics software on the UK national ...

This model is one of five new parameter sets for P2011, published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper. Derived from Original model: P2011.1.2 is public model ID PLM_71 version 1, This model P2011.3.1 is public model ID PLM_1041, with parameters optimised by Kevin Stratford using SBSInumerics software on the UK national ...

No description specified

Submitter: Fekadu Yadetie

Assay type: RNA-seq

Technology type: Next generation sequencing

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: Effects of BaP and EE2 treatments on transcript...

RNA-seq data for In vivo 7 samples. Only 32 RNA samples from liver of male fish sequenced. Illumina poly(A)-RNA sequencing at UiB GCF, as in Yadetie et al., 2018.

Submitter: Fekadu Yadetie

Assay type: RNA-seq

Technology type: Next generation sequencing

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: 1 hidden item

Simulation of OE mutants targetting enzymes in the model, combined with metabolite concentrations and enzyme fold change of from the 40 samples. For each second mutant the enzyme concentrations in case of OE and KO mutants in updated and the metabolite concentrations of the second sample are loaded in the model. Using this approach the model approximately predicts combinatorial effects of OE mutations with other mutations, perturbations and time series concentrations.

The associated zip files contains all input files and a Jupyter notebook to rerun sampled simmulations, combined simmulations, parameter scan for the model with addition of an oxygin inhibiton of LDH, local- and global-sensitivity analysis and plot simmulation output in various formats. In addition the zip file contains the py36.yaml file that can be used to recreate the model simmulation environment using Anaconda making all simmulations completely reproducable. All information on how to use ...

Submitter: Niels Zondervan

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Modelling of M. pneumoniae metabolism

Study: Core Model predictions

Training of the model, parameter estimation using Evolutionary Programming using metabolomics, proteomics and some flux data.

Validation by simulating independent OE, KO mutant and perturbation samples, using sampling of the gausian distribution based on the mean and SD of measurements per sample. A 1000 samples of the gausian distribution of the mean and SD was performed per sample to show error in the measurements and how it propegates in predicted metabolite concentration in SS

Protein copy number at 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h, average values and SD for the measurements

Submitter: Niels Zondervan

Assay type: Proteomics

Technology type: Technology Type

Investigation: Modelling of M. pneumoniae metabolism

Study: Proteomics analysis

Metabolomics time series measurements for internal metabolites for 6h, 24h and 48h for multiple experiments. Largely based on MAss spectrometry, bioluminescence kits to measure NAD, NADH at 24h, other time points are infered from relative measurements times the absolute measurements at 24h.

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